أ. المقالات المنشورة في المجلات الدولية المراجعة:
A.1 Ulusoy S, Ugras H, Cingi C, Yilmaz HB, Muluk NB. The results of national newborn hearing screening (NNHS) data of 11,575 newborns from west part of Turkey. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2014 Oct;18(20):2995-3003 (SCI-Exp)
A.2 Kumral TL, Yıldırım G, Yılmaz H B, Ulusoy S, Berkiten G, Onol S D, Ozturkçu Y, Uyar Y. Is It Necessary to Do Temporal Bone Computed Tomography of the Internal Auditory Canal in Tinnitus with Normal Hearing?. ScientificWorldJournal. 2013 Nov 26;2013:689087. (Pubmed)
A.3 Aydın S, Cingi C, San T, Ulusoy S, Orhan I. The effects of air pollutants on nasal functions of outdoor runners. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2014 Apr; 271(4):713-7 (SCI-Exp)
A.4 Yalçınkaya E, Cingi C, Söken H, Ulusoy S, Muluk NB. Aesthetic analysis of the ideal eyebrow shape and position. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2014 Oct 28. (SCI-Exp)
A.5 Sayin I, Cingi C, Oghan F, Baykal B, Ulusoy S. Complementary Therapies in Allergic Rhinitis. ISRN Allergy. 2013 Nov 13; 2013:938751. (Pubmed)
A.6 Ertugay C K, Cingi C, Yaz A, San T, Ulusoy S, Erdogmus N, Ertugay OC. Effect of combination of montelukast and levocetirizine on otitis media with effusion: a prospective, placebo-controlled trial. Acta Oto-laryngologica. 2013;133(12), 1266-1272 (SCI)
A.7 Ulusoy S, Babaoglu G, Catli T, San T, Cingi C. Epistaxis and Staphylococcus aureus Colonization in the Nasal Vestibule. J Craniofac Surg. 2014 Nov; 25(6):e513-5. (SCI-Exp)
A.8 Sayin İ, Cingi C, San T, Ulusoy S, Acar M. An important social problem: allergic rhinitis. J Med Updates 2013;3(2):91-95. (ÜAK web te uluslararası diğer endekslerde)
A.9 Ulusoy S, Cingi C, Muluk NB. Evaluation of Patient Satisfaction With Different Hearing Aids. Ear, Nose & Throat Journal (Kabul edildi basım aşamasında) (SCI-Exp)
A.10 Cingi C, Yorgancioglu A, Cingi CC, Oguzulgen K, Muluk NB, Ulusoy S, Orhon N, Yumru C, Gokdag D, Karakaya G, Çelebi Ş, Çobanoglu HB, Unlu H, Aksoy MA. The “physician on call patient engagement trial” (POPET): measuring the impact of a mobile patient engagement application on health outcomes and quality of life in allergic rhinitis and asthma patients. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol. 2015 Jun;5 (6):487-97 (SCI-Exp)
A.11 Cingi C, Muluk NB, Hanci D, Ulusoy S, Sahin F. Updating the role played by immunotherapy for allergic rhinitis: meta-analysis Int Forum Allergy Rhinol. 2015 Feb; 5(2):132-42. Review. (SCI-Exp)
A.12 Acar M, Ulusoy S, Seren E, Muluk NB, Cingi C, Hanci D. Effects of Lateral Osteotomy on Nasal Sound Intensity Levels in Patients Who Underwent Rhinoplasty. J Craniofac Surg. 2014 Nov; 25(6):2017-21. (SCI-Exp)
A.13 Yalçınkaya E, Cingi C, Bayar Muluk N, Ulusoy S, Hanci D. Are temporomandibular disorders associated with habitual sleeping body posture or nasal septal deviation?. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2015 Jan 3. [Epub ahead of print] (SCI-Exp)
A.14 Topaloglu I, Isiksacan V, Ulusoy S, Sisman S. Osteosarcoma of the larynx. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2004;131:789–790. (SCI-Exp)
A.15 Dizdar D, Dinç M E, Ulusoy S, Dalgic A, Avinçsal M Ö, Yumru C, Topak M. Evaluation of Prevalence and Factors Affecting the Development of Middle Ear Effusion in Patients with Prolonged Intubation in Intensive Care Unit. Journal of Academic Research in Medicine. 2015; 5: 64-7 (ÜAK web te uluslararası diğer endekslerde)
A.16 Kandoğan T, Dalgiç A, Gültekin G, Ulusoy S, Selek E. Pleomorphic Adenoma of the Nasal Cavity. Journal of Academic Research in Medicine. 2015; 5: 25-7. (ÜAK web te uluslararası diğer endekslerde)
A.17 Yılmaz B, Karabulut H, Ulusoy S, Çelebi Ş. Nasal septal schwannoma. J Med Updates 2014;4(2):77-80. (ÜAK web te uluslararası diğer endekslerde)
A.18 Çelebi Ş, Çelik Ö, Karaca Ç, Ulusoy S. Multiparametric comparison of thermal welding versus cold knife tonsillectomy with tonsil size. J Med Updates 2013;3(1):13-18 (ÜAK web te uluslararası diğer endekslerde)
A.19 Ulusoy S, Daşgin E, Babaoğlu A, Bıkmaz F, Sunal H ,Yilmaz B. Tiroid cerrahisi yapılan geniş bir hasta serisinin değerlendirilmesi: 462 olgunun analizi. Journal of Medical Updates. 2013;3(1):19-24. (ÜAK web te uluslararası diğer endekslerde)
A.20 Cingi C C, Oğhan F, Akif A, Ulusoy S. Preferences of Turkish ENT specialists about academical meetings: a survey study. Journal of Medical Updates. J Med Updates 2013;3(2):62-68. (ÜAK web te uluslararası diğer endekslerde)
A.21 Topaloğlu I, Ulusoy S, Akgün H. İki olgu nedeniyle Larengosel. Turk Otolarengoloji Arsivi. 2005; 43(2): 117-120 (ÜAK web te uluslararası diğer endekslerde)
A.22 Ulusoy S, Kayiran O, Ozbaba N, Celebi S, Caglar E, Oghan F. Changing strategies in the treatment of maxillofacial fractures at thrace region: open vs closed reduction. Oral Health Dent Manag. 2014 Mar;13(1):8-13 (Pubmed)
A.23 Cingi C, Bayar Muluk N, Ulusoy S, Acar M, Şirin S, Çobanoğlu B, Birdane L, Kalaycık Ç, Çakır B Ö, Oğhan F, Aynacı S, Erdoğmuş N, Yıldırım Ö, Şahin E, Bulut F, Aksoy MA, Türe N, Bal C. Efficacy of sublingual immunotherapy for house dust mite allergic rhinitis. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2015 Nov; 272(11):3341-6. Epub 2014 Dec 17. (SCI-Exp)
A.24 Ulusoy S, Erden M, Yüksel H, Çağlar E, Dinç M E, Dalgic A. Comparison of different surgical methods in endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy. ENT Updates. 2015;5(1):30–34 (ÜAK web te uluslararası diğer endekslerde)
A.25 Külekçi M, Budun R, Avinçsal M O, Dizdar D, Ulusoy S, Develioğlu N O, Topak M. Effects of a proton pump inhibitor on laryngeal irritation in patients with laryngopharyngeal reflux. ENT Updates 2015;5(2):58–62. (ÜAK web te uluslararası diğer endekslerde)
A.26 Cingi C, Muluk N B , Ulusoy S, Soken H, Altıntoprak N, Sahin E, Ada S. Nasal Tip Sutures: Techniques and Indications. Am J Rhinol Allergy. 2015 Nov;29(6):205-11. doi: 10.2500/ajra.2015.29.4236. (SCI-Exp)
A.27 Hanci D, Cingi C, Ulusoy S, Muluk N B. Potential protective effect of resveratrol on acoustic trauma: Electron microscopy study. European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences (Kabul edildi basım aşamasında) (SCI-Exp)
A.28 Hanci D, Cingi C, Ulusoy S, Muluk N. Do viral infections have a role in benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. B-ENT, 2015, 11, 211-218. (SCI-Exp)
A.29 Ulusoy S, Erden M, Dinc M E, Yavuz N, Caglar E, Dalgic A, Erdogan C. The effects of continuous positive airway pressure device on glaucoma. Med Sci Monit, 2015; 21: DOI: 10.12659/MSM.895897 (SCI-Exp)
A.30 Ulusoy S, Dinç ME, Dalğıç A, Dizdar D, Avınçsal MÖ, Külekçi M. Effects of Spreader Grafts on Olfactory Function in Septorhinoplasty. Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2015 Dec 23. [Epub ahead of print] (SCI-Exp)
A.31 Ulusoy S, Yavuz N, Dinç ME, Acar M. Can the devices used to treat obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome increase the tendency to gain weight? ENT Updates 2015;5(3):113–118 doi:10.2399/jmu.2015003010 (ÜAK web te uluslararası diğer endekslerde)
A.32 Ulusoy S, Dizdar D, Dinç ME. A Simple Technique to Avoid Restenosis for Dacryocystorhinostomy. J Craniofac Surg. 2016 Mar 15. [Epub ahead of print] (Kabul edildi basım aşamasında) (SCI-Exp)
A.33 Dinc ME, Ulusoy S, Is A, Ayan N, Avincsal M Ö, Bicer C, Erel Ö. Thiol/disulfide homeostasis as a novel indicator of oxidative stress in sudden sensorineural hearing loss. J Laryngol Otol. 2016 May;130(5):447-52 (SCI-Exp)
A.34 Cingi C, Muluk NB, Ulusoy S, Lopatin A, Şahin E, Passali D et al. Septoplasty in Children. Am J Rhinol Allergy. 2016 Mar;30(2):42-7 (SCI-Exp)
A.35 Dinc ME, Dalgic A, Ulusoy S, Dizdar D, Develioglu O, Topak M. Does iron deficiency anemia affect olfactory function? Acta Otolaryngol. 2016 Mar 10:1-4 (SCI-Exp)
A.36 Avincsal MO, Altundag A, Ulusoy S, Dinc ME, Dalgic A, Topak M. Halitosis associated volatile sulphur compound levels in patients with laryngopharyngeal reflux. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2016 Mar 5 (SCI-Exp)
A.37 Kar M, Altıntoprak N, Muluk NB, Ulusoy S, Bafaqeeh SA, Cingi C. Antileukotrienes in adenotonsillar hypertrophy: a review of the literature. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2016 Mar 16. [Epub ahead of print] Review. (SCI-Exp)
A.38 Ulusoy S, Ayan NN, Dinc ME, Is A, Bicer C, Erel O. A new oxidative stress marker for thiol-disulphide homeostasis in seasonal allergic rhinitis. Am J Rhinol Allergy. 2016 May;30(3):53-7
A.39 Dinc ME, Ulusoy S, Is A, Ayan NN, Avincsal MO, Bicer C, Erel O. Thiol/disulphide homeostasis as a novel indicator of oxidative stress in sudden sensorineural hearing loss. J Laryngol Otol. 2016 May;130(5):447-52
ب- الأوراق المقدمة في الاجتماعات العلمية الدولية والمطبوعة في الإجراءات:
B.1 Ulusoy S, Ugras H , Cingi C, Yilmaz HB. Analysis of Hearing Screening Test Findings of 11,575 Newborns in Turkey. Otolaryngology — Head and Neck Surgery 2013 149: P240, 117th American Academy of Otolaryngology Annual Meeting & OTO EXPO, 29 September – 2 October 2013 Vancouver, Canada
B.2 Ulusoy S, Babaoglu G, Cingi C.Staphylococcus aureus Colonization in the Nasal Vestibule?. Otolaryngology — Head and Neck Surgery 2013 149: P261 117th American Academy of Otolaryngology Annual Meeting & OTO EXPO, 29 September – 2 October 2013 Vancouver, Canada
كتب أو فصول مكتوبة أو مترجمة وطنية أو دولية:
Ulusoy S, Dinc M E, Muluk N B. History and types of Tympanoplasty. Editor: Rıza Dündar. Boomerang-shaped Chondroperichondrial Graft and Overview to Tympanoplasty. 1. edit. Saarbücken, Germany. LAP Lambert Academic Publicing; 2015. P.17-35 Chapter 2.
د- المقالات المنشورة في المجلات الوطنية المستعرضة:
D.1 Çabuk M, Ulusoy S, Mulazimoğlu M, Özülker F, Topaloğlu İ , Özpaçaci T. Boyun Kitlelerinde Sestamibi Spect ile MR görüntileme yönteminin Karşılaştırılması. Tıp Araştırmaları Dergisi. 2008; 6(2): 70-76
D.2 Topaloğlu İ, Ulusoy S, Özcan D. Dil Lezyonlarında Histopatolojik Yanılgı. Okmeydanı Tıp Dergisi. 2001: 31-32
D.3 Ulusoy S, Topaloğlu İ ,Volkan I, Uluç D. Rinitlerin Ayırıcı Tanısında Nasal Smear ve Prick Testinin Değeri. Taksim Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Tıp Dergisi. 2002; 32(2): 52-55
D.4 Ethem Ş, Dinç M E, Dizdar D, Ulusoy S. Yüzde persistan ağrının nadir bir nedeni: Nazal kavitede ektopik diş. KBB Uygulamaları 2015;3(3):113-116