Closed Nose job: Without Skin Scar Tissue Surgery
In recent years, a closed-nose job has become one of the most preferred surgical procedures worldwide. The increasing use of social media and encouragement after the surgery results have been the main factors driving individuals to decide on this surgery. Especially in the last decade, due to the significant interest in nose job surgeries, there have been some changes in the techniques and technologies used. In this original article, I will give detailed information about closed-nose jobs in Istanbul, which have gained tremendous popularity, especially in recent years.
Nose job surgeries have cosmetic and functional goals to achieve the ideal aesthetic proportions of a person’s nose. This surgery makes the nose less prominent when looking at the face. Therefore, this procedure requires personalized planning for each individual. Because everyone’s facial, body, and ethnic structures are unique, the ideal aesthetic appearance may differ for each person. Regarding successful nose job aims, not only can the shape of the nose be improved, but it is also possible to enhance functions such as breathing and smell.
This surgery allows access to the entire nasal skeleton, including the tip and back of the nose, with 180-degree incisions made a few mm behind the entrance of the nostrils. It also allows for correcting situations that may prevent breathing through the nose easily.

The history of closed nose job:
Closed nose job surgery dates back to the beginning of the century and was the first method used for this surgery. But later on, especially in the 1990s, open surgeries became popular and preferred. One of the reasons for this is that it offers the opportunity to learn quickly since all the skin on the back of the nose is open. Especially in the last ten years, closed surgeries have become a focus of intense interest and a reason for preference with the introduction of endoscopes and the evolution of closed surgery.

Other techniques of nose job: Open rhinoplasty:
In open nose job surgery, the surgeon makes an incision in the middle of the two nostrils, called the columellar skin. Therefore, the surgeon reaches all the nasal tips and nasal dorsal regions. In closed-nose surgeries, the only difference from open surgery is the columella incisions. In fact, with both surgeries, the skeletal tissue of the nose can be reached in the same area.
Is it possible to get better results with closed nose job surgery than with open surgery?
With closed nose job surgery, all maneuvers inside the nose can be performed with the same effectiveness. Either the natural nasal back and subcutaneous tissues are preserved (Protective Nose job = Preservation Nose job = Let Down), or these structures are cut and repaired (Structural Nose job). This surgery, which can also be performed with a hybrid mixture of both methods, is a surgery that requires very sophisticated and personalized solutions.
Different devices and methods can be used to perform the above-mentioned operations. While nose job operations could only be performed with bone cutters (osteotomes) with hammers and hand rasps in the past, current technology has offered new and up-to-date opportunities. These technologies are used in both open and closed surgeries, and in experienced hands, they considerably increase the surgery’s success. These technologies have been used intensively, especially in the last ten years, and they are examined under different sub-titles such as Piezo, Power Instruments, and Ultrasonic Methods.
Comparison of closed nose job with open methods:
Closed nose job operations are performed without any surgical incision on the nasal skin. In this surgery, it is possible to reach the entire nasal skeleton, including the tip and back of the nose, with 180-degree incisions made a few mm behind the entrance of the nostrils.
The history of closed nose job dates back to the beginning of the century, and it was the first method used for this surgery. But later on, especially in the 1990s, open surgeries became popular and preferred. One of the reasons for this is that it offers the opportunity to learn quickly since all the skin on the back of the nose is opened. Especially in the last ten years, closed surgeries have become a focus of intense interest and a reason for preference with the introduction of endoscopes and the evolution of closed surgery.
What are the pros and cons of closed nose job?
The most significant advantage of closed surgery is that there is no incision and no visible skin scar. This surgical method also allows the surgeon to protect the subcutaneous soft tissues, resulting in a faster recovery. In addition, due to the preservation of the natural flexibility of the nose tip, it offers a more natural and comfortable aesthetic appearance to the person.
As for the difficulties of closed nose job surgery, it requires more experience, and the duration of the surgery is slightly longer since it requires working in a secure area. Apart from taking a little longer than open surgery, it can offer a more natural and faster recovery result in many respects.
In addition, sometimes open surgery may be a more logical choice since it may not be possible to perform a closed nose job in cases where the nasal dorsum is too wide, excessively low ethnic nose projections, and in some revision cases.
However, what is essential at this point is which method the surgeon has experience with and the results. The surgeon you choose should be the most important issue since both methods can produce very successful or opposite results.
Which technique is suitable for my nose?
When we compare open and closed surgery, what is essential is the surgeon’s experience. Otherwise, it would be wrong to say that any method is better or worse. The success of both methods in the surgeon’s hands may vary. At this point, surgeons who can use both open and closed methods can achieve better results. Everyone’s nose is different, which is why it is necessary to have more personalized surgery.
In my practice, in the past years (I have been performing nose job surgeries for about 20 years), I have preferred open surgery intensively. Still, I have tried to increase my rate of closed surgery step by step, especially in the last five years. Today, I still use the open surgery method only for some ethnic and revision patients. However, I prefer the closed surgery method for almost all of my patients who will have a nose job for the first time.
What determines the price of closed rhinoplasty surgery?
In rhinoplasty surgeries, the average price is different worldwide to achieve the before and after rhinoplasty results you dream of. Some points are influential in determining the price:
1. The general cost of the surgery in the country where the surgery will take place. In general, surgery prices in countries and continents follow a specific limit.
2. The experience and equipment of the surgeon who will perform the surgery are the most decisive points of the price of the surgery.
3. Technical and Staff features of the hospital where the surgery will occur. Here, the fact that the hospital is not only comfortable and luxurious but also a hospital that offers professional services in terms of technology and other hospital staff, and rarely, if necessary, a hospital that can provide you with the highest level and quality team service with all other professional subspecialists and auxiliary health personnel is also highly influential on the price of surgery.
4. The technology and surgical hand tool facilities to be used by the surgeon are also effective in the price of the surgery. While some technological developments in recent years have made it easier to achieve more successful and intended results in rhinoplasty surgeries, they may also bring an additional cost. A surgeon who can use ultrasonic methods and other surgical instruments and methods that can help when necessary in detail may have higher operating costs. This means a slightly higher price.
5. The quality of the service and service that the surgeon and the team who will perform the surgery will offer you after the surgery is also related to pricing. Some clinics can provide you with all the medications that you will use after surgery. In addition, while they also offer medical supplies that may be required after some surgeries within the standard surgery prices, some may prescribe them to you and ask you to obtain them from outside. All these will help you decide on the price of the surgery.
How much does closed nose surgery cost on average in Istanbul / Turkey?
The average price of rhinoplasty surgery in Istanbul, Turkey, is between 2000 euros and 7000 euros. This price usually covers one night of hospitalization for patients who will have their first surgery. If a revision rhinoplasty or ethnic rhinoplasty surgery requiring some additional procedures is planned, there is an additional average price ranging from 40% to 100% on these prices.
In light of all these, asking all these questions in an online consultation with the surgeon you have decided to get the pre-post result you want and discussing the scope of the other service to be provided before or after with the clinic responsible in detail can be very helpful for you not to encounter an additional cost or a surprise in the future.
In summary:
Closed nose job surgery is a very advanced and successful method with its technique, especially in recent years. However, it also has some difficulties, and open surgery may be the right choice in these cases. In this respect, the best approach would be to proceed in line with the recommendations of the surgeon you will choose when deciding on the technique.