Rhinoplasty FAQ
Last Updated: February 14, 2023
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Will my nose tip drop after rhinoplasty?
The angle between the nose tip and the lip is called the “Nasolabial angle.” This angle is usually considered normal between 95 degrees in men and 100- 110 degrees in women.
When the nose lip angle is over 110 degrees, it is “excessively raised or upturned.” This is a rare condition. In people who come with the anticipation of Rhinoplasty, we often encounter the opposite of this situation, meaning a low nose tip.
It will be possible to solve this problem quickly with the cartilage we take from the nose with the closed technique, which we call the septal advancement graft. This technique will make fixing and lowering the nose’s angle by about 10 degrees possible.
If there is no additional problem, all these procedures will be about one and a half hours long, and it is possible to do this without the need to cut bones in the side of the nose, which we call osteotomy. Thus, the problems that bother you will be solved to a large extent with this surgery.

What are the differences between female and male nose aesthetics?
Rhinoplasty, which was used by women, especially in the past, has become a frequently preferred operation in men today. Our male and female ratio was almost equal. Men’s basic aesthetic features: the nose-lip angle is less raised than women, and is a flat ( straight) nose back instead of a feminine curve.
If the nose’s back is too curved in men, the tip of the nose is raised too feminine image will occur. When the female nose esthetics, the tip of the nose is slightly raised, a slight curve in the back of the nose is generally desirable.
It is considered ideal that the angle of the nose to the upper lip is 95 degrees in men and 110 degrees in women. In male patients, the lines should be more pronounced and sharper, while in female patients, the transitions should be softer.
Male patients’ skin is thicker and oily; the planning of the surgery should be done accordingly. Depending on the thick skin condition, it may be necessary to provide additional treatments by consulting with Dermatology doctors before or after the surgery.
When performing aesthetic nose surgery, the amount of cartilage tissue left behind in men and women varies. Post-operative bruising and swelling are common in men, and the final form of the nose occurs in a long time.
Is there any pain after nasal surgery?
Nose aesthetics are painless operation. Contrary to the common belief, after aesthetic nose surgery, no pain is disturbing the person. On the first post-operative day, I gave a painkiller in the serum (intravenously) at the hospital.
At the same time, I prescribe all my patients painkillers to relieve even the slight pain after surgery. Another benefit of the sedative is its contribution to the regression of edema. Rarely, headache due to nasal congestion occurs depending on general anesthesia.
However, there is almost no problem with painkillers. Minimal trauma to the nose and minimal pain can occur in cold weather. But all of this is temporary. In short, when I talk to my patients after surgery, they do not report back any pain.
Are there risks of rhinoplasty surgery?
There are some risks, like medicine, in all kinds of procedures or drug applications. All kinds of blessings and advantages brought by technology bring some risks. We no longer encounter post-operative problems such as bleeding infection revision after nasal aesthetics.
I start antibiotic treatment after surgery for infection risks. For bleeding protection, I give information about some foods ( Foods containing salicylic acids such as cherry, green tea, tomato, and ginseng, etc.) and medicines that make blood dilutions.
I advise to them should not be taken these foods to before surgery. While theoretically acknowledging the likelihood of the possibilities mentioned above, I believe that it is possible that no patient has ever developed bleeding or erythema. It may be because I am fully aware of the necessary precautions and little I am (Also my patients) lucky.
Which devices do you use in aesthetic nose surgery?
I have both classical surgical instruments and piezo (ultrasonic) and micromotor (Bien Air rhinoplasty systems) devices. In rhinoplasty operations, traditional surgical instruments are also needed.
Bone cuttings (Osteotomy) can be made with steel surgical hand tools and hammers surgical instruments ( Osteotoma) as well as with power instruments (Piezo and micromotor-saw). In the bone cutting and shaping stage of nasal surgeries, electrical methods, also known as ultrasonic methods, have become quite common in the last 15 years. I have been using these ultrasonic methods in my surgeries routinely for the last 10 years. However, I would like to emphasize here that ultrasonic methods are devices like a pen in the surgeon’s hand and do not guarantee perfect results. The surgical technique has an effect rather than the device used for bruising- edema after surgery.

How long can I return to work after surgery?
Rhinoplasty surgery is not a disease requiring inpatient healing. If you are working in an office-style job and do not require direct communication with people, there is no harm in working after the 3rd day. In professions that require one-to-one communication, it is better to work after the nasal cast, i.e., on the 7th day.
If you are in an occupational group with a high probability of trauma to your nose (such as strength athletes, soccer players), it will be safer to start your profession after six weeks.
How much does the average rhinoplasty (nose job) cost in Istanbul, Turkey?
The average rhinoplasty cost around the world may go as high as $15000, but Turkey offers such surgeries at a much lower cost. For example, Dr. Seckin Ulusoy’s rhinoplasty (nose job) operations cost on average just $4000.
Read more about the cost of rhinoplasty (nose job) in Istanbul, Turkey.
When does the tip drop after rhinoplasty?
The ideal angle of the upper lip of the nose is generally between 95 and 110 degrees. This angle is below 90 degrees in patients with a low nose tip. A low nose tip also causes the problem of breathing by narrowing the area we call the external valve.
Lifting the tip of the nose is not only an aesthetic procedure performed for women but also necessary for breathing. You can test this by gently lifting your nose tip-up. Please try. How? You breathe better, don’t you?
After the Rhinoplasty, your nose and nose tip will be 5-10 degrees more at first, but this angle will become aesthetically average when your nose is sitting. Considering this situation, we apply the surgical technique.
There may be a slight positive rise in the upper lip after low nasal tip surgery, but it certainly does not amount too much. It is also ideal for making the nostrils appear 2 mm when viewed from the front and the side.
In female patients, the tip of the nose is slightly up, and a slight curvature of the nose ridge is desirable. Ideally, the angle of the nose with the upper lip should be 95 degrees in men and 110 degrees in women.
Which operations can be performed with Rhinoplasty?
Depends on my patient problems, I perform some additional surgery with rhinoplasty (Nose aesthetic surgery). These, together with the nasal obstruction surgeries that are septoplasty, create the deviation of the nose in the middle of the cartilage curvature and concha radiofrequency surgery.
If you have problems with the growth of the nasal flesh (concha= lower turbinate ), I correct them with radiofrequency which is a kind of laser. Also, I treat sinusitis by endoscopic sinus surgery (ESC) operations in patients who have problems such as sinus problems during the same session. Besides, I can perform dermal filler and chin operations in the same session.
Together with Rhinoplasty, I do very often have chin surgery too. For this purpose, silicone implants are frequently applied to the jaw, as well as the injection of fat into the jaw according to the patient’s wishes.
In addition to the operations mentioned above related to facial aesthetic surgery, I have colleagues who are plastic surgery specialists, performed by my friend, breast, and liposuction surgery, such as combined operations.
Also, if the patient has a procedure to be completed by another branch surgeon, we provide all kinds of assistance for his / her doctor to come to Rhinoplasty surgery and perform the related surgery. In all of these, I would like to state that our patient’s only aim is not to get anesthesia twice and to benefit from one operation.
Visit our Instagram page for more results by Dr. Seckin Ulusoy.
Do I need to stay in the hospital after nasal surgery?
Rhinoplasty surgeries are the group that Americans call these Out-Patient operations, which can be sent home 4-5 hours after general anesthesia on the same day. But I recommend hospitalization for one night after surgery.
Depending on the patient’s request, if I performed the surgery early in the morning, it is possible to discharge the same day. Staying in the hospital for one night is not obligatory. Still, it offers advantages such as more effective delivery of the treatments via the vascular route and a more disciplined follow-up of the ice by the nurses.
However, if there is a new disease that requires the patient to be hospitalized, I act following the recommendations of the relevant physician. If possible, I recommend that you have a companion with you during your stay in the hospital.
Can I drive after surgery?
If you feel well after 12 hours of your surgery and there is no alternative, I allow you can drive. But I would like to emphasize that you do not use the vehicle for 2-3 days, ideally.
At what age is the nose surgery performed?
The lower age limit of nasal esthetics is 16 for girls and 17 for boys. Because the growth of the nasal bone continues until these ages, if surgery is performed before these ages, the results of the operation could be negatively affected for face development.
However, if there is a complete nasal obstruction in childhood, and it prevents the child’s development, it may rarely be necessary to perform Pediatric Rhinoplasty. I share with parents that there are some cosmetic risks.
There is no upper age limit in rhinoplasty operations. Considering the little risks of general anesthesia at the elderly, I perform geriatric (elderly) rhinoplasty operations in the nose.
Generally, I do this kind of activity due to low nasal obstruction due to problems with the collapse of the nasal cartilage or breathing disorders rather than cosmetic discomfort.
I am not satisfied with the outcome of my rhinoplasty surgery, what can be done?
There is a possibility of failure in all kinds of operations. This is the nature of all medical health. Nobody gives any %100 healing promise for you, but the surgeon’s ratings are essential. This unsuccessful rate is slightly higher in rhinoplasty operations, because of very sophisticated processes and sometimes very challenging.
Failure can sometimes be caused by the physician, or sometimes by the skin, subcutaneous tissue, cartilage, and bone resistance. Any surgeon can say that every surgery is 100% successful.
Even the most well-known surgeons worldwide after rhinoplasty operations have a revision rate of 5 to 10%. My revisions, on average, are around 5%. If the problems that do not satisfy the patient after the operation are reasonable and can be corrected, I do the revision surgery.
I do not charge my patients additional fees for the problems caused by the surgery by me. I only carry out my revisions if they pay hospital supplies fees.
For this purpose, I want to state that we have agreed that the hospitals do not charge a fee to earn money and demand except medicine and consumables fees ( This revision fee is only 15% of the cost they pay for their first surgery). In other words, we do our best to handle these revisions and make our patients happy.
How should be a beautiful and aesthetic nose ?
I think the most important philosophy is naturalness. Because it affects the expression and beauty of the face, well-performed nose surgery is of great importance in terms of health and aesthetics. Your new nose should look like beautiful nose.
Anyone who doesn’t know you before shouldn’t understand that your nose is aesthetic, but you should get the feeling that you have a lovely nose and give you a more sweet face and make you look young and attractive.
Your relatives who know your old nose should notice the positive change your new nose brings to you. If you are unhappy and frustrated, tired expression with your previous nose, your new nose should add a more energetic and serene expression to your face.
Your new nose should increase your self-confidence, give a positive mood, and be compatible with other structures of your face, especially the eyebrows, eyes, jaws, and cheekbones.
A nose that looks beautiful in another may not suit you, a nose that is beautiful in you may not gain meaning in another face, so your nose should be unique for you. It should not change your gaze, but it should make it clear. In summary, the beauty of the eyebrows and eyes should be noticed at revealed thoroughly.
My objective for the new nose:
If they have breathing problems, they must be corrected.
Nasal collapses, irregularities, and curvatures should not be long after the surgery.
Shortly, your new nose should be without compromising the following three rules
- Must have excellent nasal esthetics. This means that a nose with proper breathing functions is preserved or enhanced.
- Must have a natural-looking nose
- Personalized planning should be done, and a distinctive nose should be made in harmony with your face’s other structures.
When to stop drinking alcohol before rhinoplasty surgery?
This depends on how much alcohol you take. Some surgeons will allow you to use it outside the evening before surgery if it is equivalent to a glass of wine in the evening. I’m mostly in this group.
People who drink more than 4-5 glasses of alcohol per day must be evaluated with blood tests, mainly liver functions, and I recommend that they stop drinking two weeks in advance.
Your surgeon and anesthesiologist best make the final decision on this issue. Remember, you are a part of the surgical team, and everyone must know all the details to make your results ideal.
Is Rhinoplasty with fillers suitable for large noses?
Rhinoplasty with fillings called nasal medical aesthetics does not shrink the nose because adding fillers changes the shape of the nose.
However, if the patient does not want surgery, we use the fillers non-surgically to improve the nose’s outline, for example, for masking a hump or creating a better shape for the tip. Although this process will not shrink the size, the nose will be in better balance and harmony with the rest of the face.
How do I know if my nose is broken or not?
A nasal fracture is the most common facial fracture. A nosebleed during injury is a sign that the septum (internal cartilage in the middle of the nose) has suffered some damage, but this may not necessarily require treatment unless it is affected by breathing through the nose.
External bruising, deformity, and distortion are the most common signs of nasal bone fracture. A definite diagnosis of a nasal fracture is made by the physician’s examination and x-ray findings.
Sometimes, no fracture-shaped nose fractures that do not cause deformity are not required, and sometimes, local or general anesthesia may require the fracture’s resection.
What should I watch out for less edema and bruising after surgery?
To minimize edema and bruises in your surgery, we try to do as much tissue-friendly surgery as possible. But known, nasal aesthetics of the bone and cartilage reshaping surgery, so that edema and bruise are common. To minimize these, I strongly recommend you to follow these recommendations:
It is imperative to apply ice under the eyes within 2-3 days after the operation. At this point, the companion friend of yours who is with you, especially on the day of the operation, has to do the job. After the ice cubes melt, they are expected to follow and change regularly.
We apply the ice by freezing it in the freezer on the glove finger. Although this procedure is recommended for at least 15 minutes per hour, it is beneficial to apply it more frequently and, if possible, continuously.
It is necessary to sleep in a high pillow and back position after surgery. Travel pillows are useful for sleeping positions.
It is crucial to avoid any strain on the nose area for the first two weeks after surgery. I recommend using mouthwash for oral hygiene for the early 24 hours and especially soft toothbrushes between 24 hours and two weeks.
I strongly recommend that our patients consume pineapple to reduce edema or use pineapple-containing vitamins (Bromelain 500 mg capsule 2-3 times a day) for both post-operative nose edema and general body edema.
Besides bromelin, it will be useful in herbal supplements such as papaya extract and arnica gel, but all of these have been proven in very few scientific studies. As my observation, I still believe that the products mentioned above are theoretically beneficial, and I recommend them to my patients.
Even if you do not have pain after surgery, prescribed pain cuts are beneficial to use for one week because of the edema-reducing effects.
It is recommended that you perform these actions to a minimum or depending on your sensitivity, as the first six weeks may cause sensitivity and edema in your surgical sites, especially if you have more facial expressions, excessive laughing, or chewing hard foods.
I do not recommend strenuous activity for two weeks after surgery or do not lift more than 10 kilos of heavyweight, and do not recommend contact for three weeks after surgery (such as contact sports that may damage your nose).
Avoid nose blowing for one week after surgery.
Postoperatively, patients are typically happy and are not very conscious about the appearance of the nose in the nose three weeks after surgery. Still, reductions in micro-level edema persist after months and slowly pass through the year.
Who does celebrity rhinoplasty?
Dr. Seckin Ulusoy has done thousands of rhinoplasty (nose job) surgeries a lot of them national celebrities.
Although a lot of celebrities have done rhinoplasty (nose job) operations, it’s not always the case that the results are successful for many very famous superstars.